Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sewin' on up...

I know that I am behind on my blogs: Easter, fun umbrella pics we took...but those will have to be set aside for a later .
Today, I am tooting my own horn because for once I FINALLY sewed something all on my own!! It may not be the cutest thing ever, but I did my best and even all of the stitches are even!!

Plus, it is freaking adorable on the models I had for it.

Poor Edana is still so small, but it fit Anaya perfectly.

So, sorry Emily, I stole your daughter for my apron model. I'll have to pay you a "mommy's fee" or something. :)

I am getting so excited with my new sewing machine, that I have been plotting my new additions to add to Emily's and my etsy site.

...btw..just commericializing here, but you really should see the awesome purses Emily makes! I may just have to try my hand at making one...


Red said...

omg jen. you are so talented. How cute is that! I am very impressed, and think your dad would be proud!

jen said...

I admit that I had to use a tutuorial to figure it out, but I did it! :) I usually have to have someone hold my hand when I sew, so hurray!!

Abby O! said...

Go Jen! Go Jen! You are awesome pants! I so couldn't do even that, even if I wanted to! Congrats, it's uber cute. Don't worry... Edana will grow into... eventually. :D

Mily said...

Yay! I'm so glad you like your new sewing machine! Your apron turned out very cute, and I have to say, not that I'm biased or anything, your models were even cuter! Good job on your first sewing project! I'm so proud of you!!!

Michael, Justine, and the Girls! said...

Hey Jen - this is Justine Ballard. I found your blog on the Cliffords. I hope you don't mind me stalking it:) The aprons are adorable! Way to go.

Scanlon Family said...

Whoot! Very nice-of course it is in your blood, you just needed to give it a chance. You're amazing and you shouldn't forget it.

Kristina Strain said...

Oh, that is adoreable. I found your blog via bread + honey... so glad I did!